SBJ Sports Business Journal

Inter Milan is reportedly in talks to end its principal partnership with cryptocurrency firm DigitalBits over missed payments. The Serie A club has now begun discussions with potential replacement sponsors. DigitaBits have not yet paid Inter the first two out of three installments owed to Inter on their shirt sponsorship deal for the 2022-23 season, which is worth €16M ($15.8M). Inter CEO Alessandro Antonello has confirmed that the cryptocurrency brand owes the club “around €17 million” ($16.9M). Antonello said, “Negotiations are currently underway to find a friendly resolution to the dispute. At present, it is not possible to predict whether these negotiations will be successful or not.” Antonello confirmed that Inter has now formally suspended all of DigitalBits’ branding components included in the deal, except for the men’s first team jersey (CALCIO E FINANZA, 11/1).

SBJ Morning Buzzcast: November 3, 2022

Going through what Dan Snyder’s decision means; Amazon’s latest sports play; the Eagles lead in NFL social value and is Ryan Reynolds eyeing ‘Welcome to Ottawa’?

SBJ I Factor: Peter Stern

SBJ I Factor presented by Allied Sports: With Peter Stern of Strategic This episode features Peter Stern, president of The Strategic Agency, talking with SBJ’s Abe Madkour about launching his consultancy firm from his apartment, his leadership style, and how advice from his grandmother guides who he decides to work with. Stern was named to Sports Business Journal’s 40 Under 40 Class in 2006.


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